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Home | Leadership Home | After-School All-Stars (Inner-City Games Foundation)

After-School All-Stars
History and Overview

After-School All-Stars provides quality comprehensive after-school programs to young people who need a safe, supervised educational environment from 3:00 – 6:00 p.m.

After-School All-Stars started as the Inner-City Games Foundation (ICGF) in 1995 when actor and activist Arnold Schwarzenegger set out to give inner-city youth positive alternatives to drugs, gangs and violence. Creating the ICGF and serving as its Chairman, Schwarzenegger brought sports programs and events to at-risk kids during summers and non-school time.

As the ICGF expanded to cities throughout the United States, Schwarzenegger became concerned about statistics showing that a majority of youth violence, drug use, gang activity and teen pregnancy occurred between the hours of 3 and 6 p.m. Schwarzenegger and law enforcement leaders call this the “danger zone,” when millions of young people are left unsupervised because they come from a single parent household or from homes where both parents are working. Responding to this crisis the ICGF expanded to year-round comprehensive programs including homework help, tutoring, life skills, culture, art and music, computers and sports. We wanted our new name to reflect what we do.

Reflecting the organizations growth, a national contest was held in 2003 to find a suitable new name. Thousands of youth participants submitted names and 2 young people came up with the winning name, “After-School All-Stars.”

“After-School All-Stars” is a 501(c)(3), decentralized, with 15 major U.S. cities operating as licensees and serving young people in schools, youth centers, and public housing centers in their communities. Each licensee has its own local Board, partners and sponsors.

HUMMER is a generous National Sponsor enabling After-School All-Stars to provide comprehensive programs year-round to tens of thousands of young people. The Todd Wagner Foundation is another generous National Sponsor helping bridge the digital divide by providing participants the skills to succeed in today’s society and the workforce. “MIRACLES” features state of the art technology labs, a daily curriculum covering education and life skills, trained instructors, and a sophisticated measurement system.

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